24 May 2007

Today's S.F. Chronicle

Paul McHugh's article about the City Limits Swim attempt and South End's Bay to Breakers swim appears on the back page of the sports section of today's Chronicle.

You can also find the article at: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/a/2007/05/24/SPGFVQ0D3L1.DTL

It was the P.E. teachers at school who noticed first. I guess they read the sports section cover to cover.

The article mentions my blog and today I got over 50 hits! That is more than I usually get in a whole month.

Thank you to Paul for being part of our swim adventure on Sunday morning and for accurately and beautifully describing the bay swimming experience.


Jacob said...

Way yo go Jessica! Remember me? Jacob Schultz from the Bears. I'm rooting you on! I forwarded this to Damon Williams another former Bear.

Unknown said...

Way to go JESSICA!

Anonymous said...

Jessica is my open-water queen, and she's going to have a fabulous scrapbook by the end of this.